Think you're addicted to your phone? Here are 3 tips to reduce your screen time

If you think you're addicted to your phone, here are 3 tips to reduce your screen time

We are all guilty of spending far too much time on our phone's but did you know that too much screen time can have a negative effect on your mental health? 
Here's how to reduce time spent on your phone.

Smartphones have transformed modern life in more ways than anyone could have imagined. They enable 24/7 access to infinite information and tools that help us stay organized, track our fitness, express ourselves and be entertained.

However, easy access to these digital devices is often counter-productive and has led to high screen time and resulted in a negative impact for mental health.

Here's how to reduce the amount of time that you spend on your mobile phone

Since the rise of the technology, our indicators of positive mental health such as happiness, self-esteem and life satisfaction have decreased while we find ourselves dealing with mental health issues like anxiety, depression and feelings of loneliness, especially among young people.

One reason that researchers have given for this might be the increased time we spend on our phones, in particular on social media, which leads to increased feelings of social isolation, cyber-bullying, comparison and distraction from personal values and goals.

If you're worried about the amount of time you spend on your phone and think it can be contributing to your feelings on loneliness, insecurity and overall, making you under-productive, keep reading...

1 Eat your meals without a screen

It may be tempting to use your meal times to catch up on news or scroll through your social media.
However, by banning the screen during these breaks you will give your eyes a rest and be more likely to appreciate and enjoy your meal.

2 Limit your screen time when not at work

Don’t check your work emails or communication channels at home. 

Of course, it's tempting to stay on top of your game whether at work or not but it's important to create boundaries for yourself.
Constantly checking your work email while at home increases your exposure to the screen and also exposes you to more stress.

3 Set a timer

Keeping up to date on your social media channels is fun and socially very important for many users. But these channels can also be a big time waster for many people.

If you enjoy browsing through social media platforms and find yourself getting lost in the endless scroll, you may benefit from setting a time limit per day you will spend there. Once you become aware of how much time you spend, you can makes steps to reducing it.

4. Get an app

It may seem counterproductive but getting an app on your phone can actually help you reduce your time on your phone. Moment is a great app that makes you more aware of how many times you pick up your phone and how many hours you spend on your device.

Knowing how bad it is will spur you on to do better and it is incredibly rewarding to see your screen time creep down day by day. Give it a go!

5 Participate in healthy interests and hobbies

Making time for hobbies or activities that promote health, personal growth or connections with others can help to reduce screen use and provide a sense of meaning and purpose.

If you enjoy reading, working out or even arts and crafts, make sure you indulge in activities that don't enjoy technology. Trust us, you will be better off for it.

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